Photography 101

Start taking sharper photographs

Photography 101


3 hours


Spring, Summer & Fall

Suitable for:

Beginners with a DSLR or Mirrorless camera


Starting at $50/per hour

Let’s take your camera off of automatic mode and get the most out of your DSLR or mirrorless camera. Gain confidence with your camera and take better photos for your business, family or hobby.

Topics covered in this course include:

Getting Sharp Images

We’ll teach you the tricks for getting perfect focus with your camera to get tack sharp images. You’ll learn about our 3 Fs of focusing, different focus modes, tricks to help your camera nail focus and situations that make it hard to get good focus. Blurry shots don’t make the cut so the more in focus you are the better your success rate of high quality photos will be.

Aperture and Shutter Speed

F/3.5 aperture? 1/100 shutter speed? What do they mean and how do they impact your image? We’ll cover some of the theory behind these two camera settings and how they impact your image. With a basic understanding of these two moving parts you’ll be able to make smart creative decisions to problem solve your photography.

Shooting with Natural Light

Shooting with natural light means using whatever available light you have for your photos (as opposed to adding a flash). We can teach you how to take great photos without adding any fancy lights to your image. Window light, overcast and direct sunlight can produce very different images. We’ll share resources with you to help you leverage whatever lighting you have to take the best shots you can.

Basic Composition

From macro to telephoto to ultra wide, beautiful photography compositions can range quite a bit. We’ll teach you the basic  shot vocabulary and focal length theory you need to broaden your scope of what makes a good photograph. With a basic understanding of shot composition, amateur photographers can start seeing the world like how a camera sees it.

Camera Settings

Cameras come with a lot of menu options. Some of them are really important while others you won’t ever use. We can show you where the important settings are in your camera and what you can ignore.

Ask us your Questions!

While we do have a program to follow, our workshops are very informal and we’d love it if you brought specific questions with you. At the end of the session, we want you feeling like we left no stone unturned.

Get in touch with Empty Cup Media to book this course