Laowa Probe Lens

Impossible Macro Shots

About This Project

The Laowa 24mm Macro Probe Lens is the most unique lens we have ever used. It’s long, slim design allows me to thread the wide angle lens through small gaps to film impossible shots. As you can see, it’s a very strange looking lens.

This lens is used for filming really small stuff. And when it’s used on a slider and pushed forward, the lens can drift overtop of miniature dioramas that are about 18″ long and make small stuff look huge. It’s a very, very dark lens so it needs lots of lighting. That means it takes a long time to set up. We’ve had fun filming marble runs, hand painted miniatures, flowers and anything else small and beautiful we can find.

Needless to say it’s been a super fun time to be filming small things. We’re always looking for more toys or games to film with our probe lens. If you have something in mind then let us know!


Here are some of our favorite videos that feature this lens.


Hape Quadrilla Marble Run


Hape & Brio Wood Trains

Warhammer Miniatures Sizzle Reel


Lift (drone and probe lens in cottage country)


Small Businesses Promo


Colin also designed and built a few simple rigs for the probe lens to get even more out of the lens. This video explains the 6 rigs Colin built, 2 of which were built for the Laowa Probe lens.

Film & Television, Photography, Promo Videos